Many hands make light work!
Log your volunteer duty!
Thank you for volunteering your time to keep the kids of PAYS engaged and supported! Please remember to complete this Google Form in order for your volunteering duty to be “officially” logged. Click the blue button below to fill out the form.
Soccer 2024/2025: Please bring a check for $100 ($150 for more than one player) payable to Plympton Athletic Youth Sports to the designated uniform pick up location. Your check will be held until the end of the spring season. If you’ve completed the volunteer duty, it’ll be returned to you uncashed. Otherwise, it’ll be cashed and considered an in-kind donation to PAYS to support our programming. All levels will have a volunteer duty requirement if the team is a “Plympton” team.
Basketball 2023/2024: Please drop off your check for $50 ($75 for more than one player) payable to Plympton Athletic Youth Sports to your player’s coach during uniform pick-up. Your check will be held until the end of the season. If you’ve completed the volunteer duty, it’ll be returned to you uncashed – but you MUST fill in the volunteer hour log (linked above!). Otherwise, it’ll be cashed and considered an in-kind donation to PAYS to support our programming.
Softball/Baseball Spring 2024: Each family will need to complete one volunteer duty per season. A check for $100 will need to be handed in during a designated uniform pick-up time ($150 for two or more players in your family). Baseball and softball are “combined” for the volunteer requirement, so if you have a baseball player and a softball player, one check for $150 can be given to either team’s coach. The check will be returned to you uncashed at the end of the season if your volunteer duty has been completed; otherwise, it will be cashed and considered an in-kind donation to PAYS programming if you do not complete your volunteer duty obligation. Volunteer duties are your responsibility to track – please remember to fill out the Google Form on the PAYS website once your volunteer duty is complete. T-ball does not have a volunteer requirement, however we need parents to step up to help with managing players and maintaining the fields.
Check out our Volunteer Requirement Policy here.
For ideas on how to get involved, check out this list of volunteer duty ideas that our sports directors put together.
Volunteering looks good on us all.
Check out these snapshots of volunteers in action!

Community Events
PAYS Trunk or Treat

Rain or shine!

Family Engagement
PAYS Ride Your Bike to School Day

Event Help
PAYS Soccer Kick-Off

Volunteering in Action
PAYS Ride Your Bike to School Day

PAYS Baseball/Softball Opening Day