Plympton Athletic Youth Sports (PAYS) Soccer encourages kids to have enthusiasm for the game of soccer. We promote respect, integrity, good sportsmanship, and a healthy dose of competition balanced with recreation. PAYS Soccer players will build character, improve confidence, and stay engaged with their community.

PAYS Soccer Director: Nicole DeLuca –
PAYS Soccer Coordinator: Heather Ghilardi –
PAYS Soccer Registrar: Jenn Pontes –

️⚽️2024/2025 Plympton Soccer Registration is closed.

Player registration: If you move to town after July 1, 2024, and are interested in having your child join Plympton Soccer, please email


Ages 3.9 through 14 (Pre-K through Grade 8)

Registration Open & Close Dates

Fall & Spring Soccer:
Registration opens in June and closes in July. Note that this registration window is for the FALL and SPRING seasons. There is typically not a separate registration period for Spring soccer. Kids who move to town mid-season and are interested in registering outside of this registration window should contact PAYS Soccer Director, Nicole DeLuca, at

Late Registration:
We adhere to the CYSL guidelines for registration deadlines. Late registrations will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and subject to additional administrative fees. Typically, late registration is open from mid-July to mid-August.

Season Start & End Dates

Fall Soccer:
Season opens in September and closes in mid-November

Spring Soccer:
Season opens in April and closes in mid-June


U6 teams will practice at the Dennett Elementary fields. U8, U10 & U12 teams will practice at Harry Jason Jr. Park. U14 will likely practice in Halifax as the Plympton players typically join with Halifax at this level. All home games will take place at the Dennett Elementary fields.


Practice days are held once per week on weekdays. The day is selected by the volunteer coaches usually based on their availability, and will be communicated at least two weeks before the start of the season. Practices will last about 60-75 minutes. U6 will meet once per week (Saturdays from 9 to 10am) for a 30-minute practice and 30-minute scrimmage. U8/U10/U12 practices are held at Harry Jason Jr. Park. U6 practices are held at the Dennett fields.


Games are held on weekends and weekdays. There are dates where a team will play a double-header. All efforts will be made to reschedule games that are cancelled due to weather. Please monitor the chat on TeamSnap for discussion and communication regarding games and rescheduling. Plan on at least 75 minutes for length of games, and arrive at the field 20 minutes prior to the game start time. Each week, teams will recognize a “Player of the Game” (POTG), and post a congratulations to that player on the PAYS Facebook. The POTG will be able to choose one item from the Dennett Snack Shack ($1 or less) as a prize. POTG is awarded to players who have progressed, showed extra spirit, or helped lead and/or bring a team together.


U8 teams and older require two referees per game. Referees are paid per game (registration fees cover these costs). If you are interested in becoming a referee, please email the PAYS Soccer Coordinator, Heather Ghilardi, for more information. Referees must be 14 years or older.

Volunteer Requirement

Each family will need to complete two volunteer duties per season (one in the Fall and one in the Spring). A check for $100 will need to be given to your child’s coach in order to receive a uniform ($150 for two or more players in your family). The check will be returned to you uncashed at the end of the season if your volunteer duties have been completed; otherwise, it will be cashed and considered an in-kind donation to PAYS programming if you do not complete your volunteer duty obligation. Volunteer duties are your responsibility to track – please remember to fill out the Google Form on the PAYS website once your volunteer duty is complete. Please read the Volunteer Requirement Policy for more detailed information.

Coaching Perks

PAYS values the hard work and dedication of volunteer coaches and assistant coaches. We offer a 50% discount off of a player registration, which is reimbursed after the CORI check and the online MYSA SafeSport Abuse Prevention and Concussion Awareness courses (completed online at no cost to the coach/assistant coach).

Soccer FAQs

Is PAYS Soccer affiliated with any leagues?

PAYS Soccer is a affiliated with the Coastal Youth Soccer League (CYSL) and is a member of the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association (MYSA).

What is included with registration fees?

Team shirt, socks, referee fees, players’ insurance, field maintenance, practice and game equipment conditioning and upgrades as needed.

What equipment is needed?

Soccer players should have their own cleats, soccer ball (size 3 for U6, size 4 for U8-U12), soccer shorts, and shin guards. Coaches will have some soccer balls on-hand if needed. A water bottle must be brought to every practice and game.

Are there extra costs beyond registration fees?

There are no expected costs beyond registration fees and personal equipment needs; however, if your team is invited to a local tournament, or advances beyond regular season play, coaches will reach out regarding potential fees/costs for participation.

Is there a mobile app for the team?

Yes. All PAYS sports use TeamSnap for communication.

What if I miss a practice or a game?

Please do your best to attend all practices and games. We understand that there are unforeseen circumstances, and in that event, please use the TeamSnap app to mark your player as absent. You can do so in the “Schedule” tab in TeamSnap at least 48 hours in advance.

How much playing time can I expect my player to have?

Coaches want to invest in the team and the players, and this includes playing time, which is critical to player development. Coaches will do their best to balance playing time for all players.

Is soccer played in the rain?

Yes – soccer is played in all conditions – cold, rainy, hot, humid, foggy; however, if field conditions are unsafe, or the Town of Plympton “closes” the fields, we will do our best to reschedule the game. We will not play in thunder or lightning conditions. We will not play if, during inclement weather, it will compromise the integrity of the field/facilities. PAYS will make the decision if a field is in unplayable condition due to weather prior to 7:30 AM or 2 hours before the first game, whichever is earlier.

Is there financial assistance available for a family experiencing hardships?

Yes, on a case-by-case basis. You will need to email to request financial assistance.

Will there be professional photos taken?

Fall soccer, Winter basketball, Spring softball, Spring baseball, and Spring t-ball will have professional photo opportunities. We will do our best to schedule these two or more weeks in advance of the photo session.

I would like my child to play up/down a division. What should I do?

This will need to be discussed with the PAYS Soccer Director, and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes, it’s not in our control due to league oversight, team fairness, and other regulations. We need to maintain a fair and safe playing environment for all teams and players. We also need to abide by league rules.

I would like my child to be on a team with specific people. What should I do?

You can make the request in the “notes/comments” section when registering your child, but we CANNOT guarantee that it will happen. Luckily, we are a small town and are able to pay more attention to requests like these, but sometimes it’s not possible. All decisions are final and grievances or refunds will not be considered due to a player being placed on a team they don’t want to be on.

Are there clinics or opportunities outside of PAYS for my child?

Yes. When available, clinic information will be posted on the PAYS Facebook page, as well as shared in the TeamSnap app.

Who do I contact if I have questions about PAYS Soccer?

General questions about policies, payment, events, etc., should be directed to the PAYS Secretary at

When will I hear from the coach about practices and games?

Families will hear from coaches about two weeks prior to the start of the season. Please make sure you’ve downloaded the TeamSnap app, and look for an email from TeamSnap to accept the invitation to “join” the team on the app.

What if my player decides they don’t want to play after registering, or if I find that the schedule does not align with multiple sports or commitments?

PAYS will not issue any refund after July 31st. Volunteers commit hours of work organizing insurance, rosters, uniforms, league compliance requirements, and schedules, and the time it takes to unravel a registration through various agencies/organizations is too steep. If a player decides to not play before July 31st, PAYS will deduct the cost of a uniform and a processing fee.

PAYS Soccer Divisions

U6 Co-Ed Instructional

Ages: 3.9 to 5 years old
Season: September to November; April to June
Practices/Games: One practice on Saturdays from 9am to 10am at the Dennett Elementary fields. The first 30 minutes will be skills, and the second 30 minutes will be a scrimmage. We usually have four U6 teams that rotate their scrimmage schedules. We do not keep score – kids are learning dribbling, kicking, “using their words” to say they’re open, basic rules (out of bounds, no hands, direction of play when in possession of the ball), and simple passing at this level. There are no practices or games on Columbus Day Weekend or Memorial Day Weekend.

**All children must be 4 by September 30th.
If your child is interested, but not quite making the age requirement, please email, and we can try to assist.

Equipment: Players will be issued a team shirt and socks. They will need to bring their own shin guards, size 3 soccer ball, water bottle, and cleats.

Volunteers: This level of play requires MANY coaches, so please consider volunteering! We will provide you with information on how to coach, so anyone with little to no experience can coach. Ideally, we like to keep the team sizes around 9 players with 2 to 3 coaches/assistant coaches per team. A CORI check is required. MYSA requires SafeSport Abuse Prevention and Concussion Awareness courses (completed online at no cost to the coach/assistant coach). Coaches and assistant coaches will receive 50% off one soccer registration in the form of reimbursement after all certifications are confirmed. Register as a coach through the coach registration link (separate from the player registration link).

U8 Girls & U8 Boys

Ages: 6-8 years old (Grades 1 & 2)
Season: September to November; April to June
Practices/Games: One practice on weekdays. Games are typically on Saturdays, but this may vary. Usually one game per week. Players should arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of a game for warm-ups and check-ins. Games are 6v6 with Halifax and Plympton teams, and consist of two 25-minute halves. Away games are played in Halifax on the fields behind Halifax Elementary School. Home games are played at Dennett Elementary. There are no practices or games Columbus Day Weekend or Memorial Day Weekend.

PAYS U8 Soccer designed to formalize the basic skills learned in U6. Coaches will focus on dribbling, ball control, passing, movement coordination, and creating opening and passing lines). Players will rotate different positions (including goalie) during games. Overall, at this level, we follow the MYSA’s recommendation that players at this level focus on technical skills and their decision-making abilities. Boys and girls are split on to separate teams at this level. Referees are on the field at this level, but formal scores or team standings are not officially tracked/documented as it is not developmentally appropriate.

At the end of the Spring season, U8 players participate in the “U8 World Cup” – an end-of-season special event held at Dennett Elementary. It’s a jamboree-style, in-town tournament made to strengthen friendships, promote healthy competition, and demonstrate skills learned throughout the season. Each U8 team picks a country as their team name, customizes team shirts, and we’ve even seen special signs hung on the fences from fans. The kids love it, and we love hosting it for them.

Equipment: Players will be issued a team jersey and socks. They will need to bring their own black soccer shorts, shin guards, cleats, and a size 4 soccer ball. Please label your items and bring a water bottle!

Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches or assistant coaches! PAYS can assist with providing practice plans. A CORI check is required. MYSA requires SafeSport Abuse Prevention and Concussion Awareness courses (completed online at no cost to the coach/assistant coach). Coaches and assistant coaches will receive 50% off one soccer registration in the form of reimbursement after all certifications are confirmed. Register as a coach through the coach registration link (separate from the player registration link).

U10 Girls & U10 Boys

Ages: 8-10 years old (Grades 3 & 4)
Season: September to November; April to June
Practices/Games: One practice on weekdays held at Harry Jason Jr. Park in Plympton. One game per week is typically played on Saturdays. Players should arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of a game for warm-ups and check-ins. Games have 30-minute halves, are 7v7, and with CYSL-member teams from the South Shore area. Home games are played at Dennett Elementary. There are no games Columbus Day Weekend or Memorial Day Weekend.

PAYS U10 Soccer is a “travel” program designed to build on skills learned in U8. Coaches will focus on movement coordination, specialized positions, scoring and preventing scoring, supporting and changing the point of attack, strategizing plays, and anticipating the opponent’s moves. The concept of “off-sides” is introduced at this level. Boys and girls are split onto separate teams, and referees are on the field.

In June, the U10 teams are typically invited to a U10 Jamboree. This event is highly-anticipated by the players, and Plympton needs to have at least 5 adult volunteers willing to help out during the jamboree – parking help, etc. If we cannot get the proper number of volunteers, we cannot participate in this event. We have to do our part for the kids!

Equipment: Players will be issued a team jersey and socks. They will need to get their own soccer shorts (contact your coach about the color – usually black, dark gray, or navy blue), shin guards, cleats, and size 4 soccer ball.

Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches or assistant coaches! PAYS can assist with providing practice plans. A CORI check is required. MYSA requires SafeSport Abuse Prevention and Concussion Awareness courses (completed online at no cost to the coach/assistant coach). Coaches and assistant coaches will receive 50% off one soccer registration in the form of reimbursement after all certifications are confirmed. Register as a coach through the coach registration link (separate from the player registration link).

U12 Girls & U12 Boys

Ages: 10-12 years old (Grades 5 & 6)
Season: September to November; April to June
Practices/Games: One practice on weekdays held at Harry Jason Jr. Park in Plympton. One game per week is typically played on Saturdays. Players should arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of a game for warm-ups and check-ins. Games have 30-minute halves, are 9v9, and with CYSL-member teams from the South Shore area. Home games are played at Dennett Elementary. There are no games Columbus Day Weekend or Memorial Day Weekend.

PAYS U12 Soccer is a “travel” program. Coaches will focus on movement coordination, specialized positions, scoring and preventing scoring, supporting and changing the point of attack, strategizing plays, and anticipating the opponent’s moves. Boys and girls are split onto separate teams, and referees are on the field at this level.

Equipment: Players will be issued a team jersey and socks. They will need to get their own soccer shorts (color TBD), shin guards, cleats, and size 4 soccer ball.

Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches or assistant coaches! PAYS can assist with providing practice plans. A CORI check is required. MYSA requires SafeSport Abuse Prevention and Concussion Awareness courses (completed online at no cost to the coach/assistant coach). Coaches and assistant coaches will receive 50% off one soccer registration in the form of reimbursement after all certifications are confirmed. Register as a coach through the coach registration link (separate from the player registration link).

U14 Girls & U14 Boys

Ages: 12-14 (Grades 7 & 8)
Season: September to November; April to June
Practices/Games: One practice on weekdays and one game per week (game days/times vary). Players should arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of a game for warm-ups and check-ins. Games have 35-minute halves, are 11v11, and with CYSL-member teams from the South Shore area. There are no games Columbus Day Weekend or Memorial Day Weekend.

PAYS U14 Soccer is a “travel” program. Coaches will focus on movement coordination, specialized positions, scoring and preventing scoring, supporting and changing the point of attack, strategizing plays, and anticipating the opponent’s moves. Boys and girls are split onto separate teams, and referees are on the field at this level. U14 may be asked to join another town’s team (typically Halifax or Kingston) due to enrollment if we do not meet player minimums by June 15th.

Equipment: Players will be issued a team jersey, soccer shorts, and socks. They will need to bring their own shin guards, cleats, and a size 5 soccer ball.

Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches or assistant coaches! PAYS can assist with providing practice plans. A CORI check is required. MYSA requires SafeSport Abuse Prevention and Concussion Awareness courses (completed online at no cost to the coach/assistant coach). Coaches and assistant coaches will receive 50% off their child’s registration if the team is “Plympton-only”. We cannot offer this discount if the team combines with another town.