Plympton Athletic Youth Sports (PAYS) Baseball is Little League International-affiliated, and a member of the newly-formed Bog Town Baseball League (geographical area of Carver, Kingston, Plympton, and Halifax). Our mission is to teach the sport of baseball, to ensure that competition remains fun and builds character, and to promote friendship and good sportsmanship. Children of all experience levels are encouraged to join to help recognize their full potential as baseball players, and share the love of a great American tradition.
PAYS Baseball & Softball Director: Mark Reilly – mreilly@plymptonyouthsports.com
Plympton T-Ball & Baseball Registration is currently closed. We cannot accept late registrations.
- Please email Mark Reilly with any questions.
PAYS uses the Little League International Age Calculator:
T-Ball: Ages 4-6 (Plympton only)
Rookie Baseball: Ages 7-8 (Plympton only)
Minor Baseball: Ages 9-10 (11) (Plympton/Carver)*
Major Baseball: Ages (10) 11-12 (Plympton/Carver)*
*LLI birthday cut-off is August 31st.
*All efforts will be made to have a Plympton-only team, but we will combine with Carver when needed.
Registration Open & Close Dates
Spring Baseball:
Registration opens in January and closes in mid- to late-February
Fall Baseball:
Registration opens in mid-August and closes at the end of August.
Season Start & End Dates
Spring Baseball:
Season opens in April and closes in mid-June, followed by the LLI District and Regional Tournaments.
Fall Baseball:
Season opens in early September and closes at the end of October
Summer Baseball:
Summer All-Stars tournament is a possibility
Home games and practices are held at the Holt Baseball Complex in Plympton. Away game locations will be listed in TeamSnap.
Practice days are once or twice per week on weekdays. The day is selected by the volunteer coaches usually based on their availability, field availability (games receive field priority), and will be communicated with as much notice as possible before the start of the season. Practices will last about 75 minutes. *T-ball practices once per week.
Games are held on weekends and weekdays. There are dates where the team will play a double-header. All efforts will be made to reschedule games that are cancelled due to weather. Please monitor the chat on TeamSnap for discussion and communication regarding games and rescheduling. Please plan on at least 90 minutes for length of games.
Volunteer Requirement
Each family will need to complete one volunteer duty per season. A check for $100 will need to be given to your child’s coach in order to receive a uniform ($150 for two or more players in your family). Baseball and softball are “combined” for the volunteer requirement, so if you have a baseball player and a softball player, one check for $150 can be given to either team’s coach. The check will be returned to you uncashed at the end of the season if your volunteer duty has been completed; otherwise, it will be cashed and considered an in-kind donation to PAYS programming if you do not complete your volunteer duty obligation. Volunteer duties are your responsibility to track – please remember to fill out the Google Form on the PAYS website once your volunteer duty is complete. T-ball does not have a volunteer requirement. Please read the Volunteer Requirement Policy for more detailed information.
PAYS Baseball FAQs
Is PAYS Baseball affiliated with any leagues?
PAYS Baseball is a affiliated with Little League International, as well as in partnership with Carver in the Bog Town Baseball League. We are proud to have PAYS Baseball & Softball Director, Mark Reilly, serving as the VP of this newly-formed league.
What does it mean to be an official Little League International member?
We are now under the rules and guidance of the largest international youth baseball league. Traditional-sized baseball fields are used through Major League (pitching at 46 feet with 60 foot basepaths). Player safety and skill development assistance is available through the LLI website and District Administrator. Our players are also eligible to play in the District Tournament which ultimately leads to the Little League World Series in Pennsylvania.
What is the Bog Town Baseball League?
Bog Town Baseball League is the LLI-sanctioned District 7 league consisting of the towns of Carver, Halifax, Kingston, and Plympton.
What is included with registration fees?
Team shirt, socks, umpire fees, players’ insurance, field use and maintenance, practice and game equipment conditioning and upgrades as needed.
What equipment is needed?
Baseball players should have their own glove, bat, baseball pants (color TBD – wait for communication from your coach), and helmet. Coaches will have extra bats and helmets on-hand if needed. Sneakers or cleats are ok, but cleats are highly suggested. No metal spikes.
Are there extra costs beyond registration fees?
There are no expected costs beyond registration fees and personal equipment needs; however, if your team is invited to a local tournament, or advances beyond regular season play, coaches will reach out regarding potential fees/costs for participation.
Is there a mobile app for the team?
Yes. All PAYS sports use TeamSnap for communication.
What if I miss a practice or a game?
Please do your best to attend all practices and games. We understand that there are unforeseen circumstances, and in that event, please use the TeamSnap app to mark your player as absent. You can do so in the “Schedule” tab in TeamSnap at least 48 hours in advance.
How much playing time can I expect my player to have?
Coaches want to invest in the team and the players, and this includes playing time, which is critical to player development. Coaches will do their best to balance playing time for all players.
Is baseball played in the rain?
Yes – baseball is played in all conditions – cold, rainy, hot, humid, foggy; however, if field conditions are unsafe, or the Town of Plympton “closes” the fields, we will do our best to reschedule the game. We will not play in thunder or lightning conditions. We will not play if, during inclement weather, it will compromise the integrity of the field/facilities. PAYS will make the decision if a field is in unplayable condition due to weather prior to 7:30 AM or 2 hours before the first game, whichever is earlier.
Is there financial assistance available for a family experiencing hardships?
Yes, on a case-by-case basis. You will need to email info@plymptonyouthsports.com to request financial assistance.
Will there be professional photos taken?
Fall soccer, Winter basketball, Spring softball, Spring baseball, and Spring t-ball will have professional photo opportunities. We will do our best to schedule these two or more weeks in advance of the photo session.
I would like my child to play up/down a division. What should I do?
This will need to be discussed with the PAYS Baseball & Softball Director, and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Skilled players may be asked to move up or may be asked to play in the occasional game as needed. Players cannot move down below their age category. Sometimes, it’s not in our control due to league oversight and regulations. We need to maintain a fair playing environment for all teams and players. We also need to abide by league rules.
I would like my child to be on a team with specific people. What should I do?
You can make the request in the “notes/comments” section when registering your child, but we CANNOT guarantee that it will happen. Luckily, we are a small town and are able to pay more attention to requests like these, but sometimes it’s not possible. All decisions are final and grievances or refunds will not be considered due to a player being placed on a team they don’t want to be on.
Are there clinics or opportunities outside of PAYS for my child?
Yes. When available, clinic information will be posted on the PAYS Facebook page, as well as shared in the TeamSnap app.
Who do I contact if I have questions about PAYS Baseball, T-Ball, or Softball?
If you have questions about PAYS Baseball & Softball, contact the PAYS Baseball & Softball Director, Mark Reilly, at mreilly@plymptonyouthsports.com.
General questions about policies, payment, events, etc., should be directed to the PAYS Secretary at jgervais@plymptonyouthsports.com.
When will I hear from the coach about practices and games?
Families will hear from coaches about two weeks prior to the start of the season. Please make sure you’ve downloaded the TeamSnap app, and look for an email from TeamSnap to accept the invitation to “join” the team on the app.
PAYS Baseball Divisions
Want to check which “League Age” your player falls into? Check out the Little League International Age Calculator.
Co-Ed T-Ball
Ages: 4-6 years (August 31st is the cutoff date)
Season: Mid-April to mid-June
Practices/Games: One clinic-style practice on weekdays. Some weeks, players will be divided up for a game at the end of practice. Scrimmages (“games”) are held on Sundays with other Plympton t-ball teams.
PAYS co-ed t-ball is introductory and skills-based. Players will learn basic fundamental techniques for throwing, fielding, catching, running the bases, and hitting off a tee. Scrimmages are designed to promote FUN and no score is kept.
Equipment: Players will be issued a team jersey, socks, and a hat. They will need to bring their own water bottle, helmet, glove, and bat. Cleats are highly-suggested.
Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches or assistant coaches! No experience necessary. PAYS can assist with providing practice plans. A CORI check is required. Coaches and assistant coaches will receive 50% off their child’s registration. Register as a coach through the same link as player registration.
Rookie Baseball
Ages: 7-8
Season: April to mid-June
Practices/Games: One practice on weekdays. Games on weekends and weekdays. Players should arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of a game. Games are played against other Plympton teams as well as against other nearby towns.
PAYS Rookie Baseball is designed to build upon the skills started in t-ball, and introduce the formal concepts around games. There coach pitching and introductions to basic fundamental techniques for throwing, fielding, catching, and batting. Teams are built and designed to allow the players to play multiple positions. Games are coach pitch, informal, designed for FUN, and focused on learning how to play a game using innings, balls and strikes, outs, batting orders, etc. The goal is to help the players with the skills and knowledge they will need when they reach more competitive age-levels and games with umpires.
Equipment: Players will be issued a team jersey, socks, and a hat. They will need to bring their own baseball pants, helmet, glove, and bat. Cleats are highly-suggested.
Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches or assistant coaches! PAYS can assist with providing practice plans. A CORI check is required. Coaches and assistant coaches from PLYMPTON will receive 50% off their child’s registration. Register as a coach through the same link as player registration.
Minor Baseball
Ages: 9-10 (11)
Season: April to mid-June
Practices/Games: One or two practice on weekdays – about 90 minutes of practice time. One or two games per week. Players should arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of a game. Games are played against other nearby towns.
PAYS Minor Baseball is designed to take players from fundamentals to a more competitive game. Kids pitch to kids. Umpires call balls and strikes, and they make out or safe calls. Coaches focus on strategy and situational play. The atmosphere is built upon comradery, good sportsmanship, and trust. Players at all skill levels are encouraged to join.
Equipment: Equipment: Players will be issued a team jersey and a hat. They will need to bring their own baseball pants, helmet, glove, and bat. Cleats are highly-suggested.
Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches or assistant coaches! PAYS can assist with providing practice plans. A CORI check is required. Coaches and assistant coaches from PLYMPTON will receive 50% off their child’s registration. Register as a coach through the same link as player registration.
Major Baseball
Ages: (10)11-12
Season: April to mid-June
Practices/Games: One practice on weekdays – about 90 minutes of practice time. Two games per week. Players should arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of a game. Games are played against other nearby towns.
PAYS Major Baseball is designed to be both fun and competitive game. Players become more skilled in specialized positions and games run smoother and faster. If we do not have enough players for a complete team, we will partner with another town to ensure that players have the opportunity to compete on teams at this level.
Equipment: Players will be issued a team jersey and a hat. They will need to bring their own baseball pants, helmet, glove, and bat. Cleats are required.
Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches or assistant coaches! PAYS can assist with providing practice plans. A CORI check is required. Coaches and assistant coaches from PLYMPTON will receive 50% off their child’s registration. Register as a coach through the same link as player registration.