Plympton Basketball

Plympton Athletic Youth Sports (PAYS) Basketball is a co-ed recreational basketball league that provides our local youth with the opportunity to learn and enjoy the sport and sportsmanship of basketball. Our emphasis is on fun and learning, not on competition.

PAYS Basketball Director: Nikki Mahoney –


Grades K-6

Registration Open & Close Dates

Winter Basketball:
Registration opens in October and closes mid-November.

Late Registration:
Late registrations will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and subject to additional administrative fees. Typically, late registration is open until Thanksgiving.

Season Start & End Dates

Winter Basketball:
Grades K-1 will begin the first week in January; Grades 2-3 and Grades 4-6 begin practice in December, then games in January. No practices or games during Christmas vacation week or February vacation week. The season ends the last week in February, with awards and a shoot-out tournament (Grades 2-6 only) the first or second week in March.


All practices and home games are played at the Dennett Elementary School gym. *All Dennett school rules must be adhered to, and are posted at the gym entrance. All players and their families must remain in the gym during practices or games unless using the bathroom facilities, and no child can be left unsupervised. Everyone must vacate the facility immediately at the end of the practice or game.


Grades 2-6: Practice days are Monday through Friday, once per week. The day is selected by the volunteer coaches usually based on their availability, and will be communicated at least two weeks before the start of the season. Practices will last about 60 minutes.
Grades K-1: Meets once per week for fun, skills-based instructional practice.


Grades 2-6: Games will be held once per week on the same day of the week (usually Wednesdays, but this may change season-to-season based on gym and referee availability).



Referees will be on the court for games played in Grades 2-6.

Evaluations are held before the season begins at Dennett Elementary for players in grades 2 through 6.

Volunteer Requirement

Each family will need to complete one volunteer duty per season. A check for $50 will need to be given to your child’s coach in order to receive a uniform ($75 for two or more players in your family). The check will be returned to you uncashed at the end of the season if your volunteer duties have been completed; otherwise, it will be cashed and considered an in-kind donation to PAYS programming if you do not complete your volunteer duty obligation. Volunteer duties are your responsibility to track – please remember to fill out the Google Form on the PAYS website once your volunteer duty is complete. Please read the Volunteer Requirement Policy for more detailed information.

Basketball FAQs

Is PAYS Basketball affiliated with any leagues?

PAYS Basketball is an in-town, co-ed recreational league that is not affiliated with any other leagues.

What is included with registration fees?

Team shirt, referee fees, players’ insurance, and game equipment as needed.

What equipment is needed?

Basketball players should wear their team jersey, gym shorts, gym sneakers for practices and games. Also, remember to bring water as there is not a concession stand available.

Are there extra costs beyond registration fees?

There are no expected costs beyond registration fees and personal equipment needs; however, PAYS Basketball occasionally organizes events such as a Boston Celtics Night Out, where additional fees would be incurred if you are interested in participating.

Is there a mobile app for the team?

Yes. All PAYS sports use TeamSnap for communication.

What if I miss a practice or a game?

Please do your best to attend all practices and games. We understand that there are unforeseen circumstances, and in that event, please use the TeamSnap app to mark your player as absent. You can do so in the “Schedule” tab in TeamSnap at least 48 hours in advance.

How much playing time can I expect my player to have?

Coaches want to invest in the team and the players, and this includes playing time, which is critical to player development. Coaches will do their best to balance playing time for all players, with each player on the court for at least 50% of the game.

Is there financial assistance available for a family experiencing hardships?

Yes, on a case-by-case basis. You will need to email to request financial assistance.

Will there be professional photos taken?

Fall soccer, Winter basketball, Spring softball, Spring baseball, and Spring t-ball will have professional photo opportunities. We will do our best to schedule these two or more weeks in advance of the photo session.

I would like my child to play up/down a division. What should I do?

This will need to be discussed with the PAYS Basketball Director, and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. We need to maintain a fair and safe playing environment for all teams and players.

I would like my child to be on a team with specific people. What should I do?

You can make the request in the “notes/comments” section when registering your child, but we CANNOT guarantee that it will happen. Luckily, we are a small town and are able to pay more attention to requests like these, but sometimes it’s not possible. All decisions are final and grievances or refunds will not be considered due to a player being placed on a team they don’t want to be on.

Are there clinics or opportunities outside of PAYS for my child?

Yes. When available, clinic information will be posted on the PAYS Facebook page, as well as shared in the TeamSnap app.

Who do I contact if I have questions about PAYS Basketball?

If you have questions about PAYS Basketball, contact the PAYS Basketball Director, Nikki Mahoney at Questions about general PAYS policies, payment, events, etc., should be directed to

When will I hear from the coach about practices and games?

Families will hear from coaches about two weeks prior to the start of the season. Please make sure you’ve downloaded the TeamSnap app, and look for an email from TeamSnap to accept the invitation to “join” the team on the app.

PAYS Basketball Divisions

K-1 Instructional Co-Ed

Grades: Kindergarten & 1st Grade
Season: 1st week in January to last week in February
Practices/Games: K-1 Instructional will meet once per week for 60 minutes. The day of the week is based on volunteer coach availability and gym availability. There are no practices or games during February school vacation.

This co-ed league is meant to be skills-based. Players will learn dribbling, passing, and shooting. Volunteer coaches will often set up stations. They will also learn about out-of-bounds, and spend some time learning the positions on a basketball court. This is meant to be fun, and there will not always be a scrimmage at the end of the session.

At the end of the season, we love hosting a small gathering and awarding the kids with medals for their consistent and enthusiastic participation in the program.

Equipment: Players will be issued a team shirt. They will need to bring their own sneakers and water bottles.

Volunteers: This level of play requires MANY coaches, so please consider volunteering! We will provide you with information on how to coach, so anyone with little to no experience can coach. Because of the nature of this age, we really need volunteers to step-up and help. We have had success with one “head” coach and several assistant coaches working on stations or small-group skill-building, but cannot implement this well without volunteers! A CORI check is required. Coaches and assistant coaches will receive 50% off their child’s registration. Register as a coach through the same link as player registration.

Grades 2-3 Co-Ed

Grades: 2nd & 3rd Grade
Season: mid-December to last week in February
Practices/Games: Grades 2-3 Co-Ed Basketball will begin practices in December. The day of the week (which stays the same for the season) will depend on gym availability and volunteer coach availability. Practices typically last 60 minutes, and all players should arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of practice. Games will be held once per week (weekday evenings – usually Wednesdays) and consist of two 20-minute halves.

This co-ed league is meant to be skills-based. Players will continue to develop dribbling, passing, footwork, and shooting skills. Volunteer coaches will emphasize positions on the court, and basic rules of the game. Hoop height is 9 ft. at this level. This is meant to be a fun, recreational league. Games will be played with in-town teams, and, depending on the number of teams we can fill, teams may have BYE weeks.

For PAYS Grades 2-3 Co-Ed Basketball, we love to celebrate at the end of the season with a shoot-out tournament and awards.

Equipment: Players will be issued a team shirt. They will need to bring their own sneakers and water bottles. If you would like to purchase a basketball for your child, we use 28.5″” basketballs.

Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches or assistant coaches! PAYS can assist with providing practice plans. A CORI check is required. Ideally, we like to have one head coach and two assistant coaches per team. Coaches and assistant coaches will receive 50% off their child’s registration. Register as a coach through the same link as player registration.

Grades 4-6 Co-Ed

Grades: 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade
Season: Mid-December to last week in February
Practices/Games: Grades 4-6 Co-Ed Basketball will begin practices in December. The day of the week (which stays the same for the season) will depend on gym availability and volunteer coach availability. Practices typically last 60 minutes, and all players should arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of practice. Games will be held once per week (weekday evenings – usually Wednesdays) and consist of two 20-minute halves.

This co-ed league is meant to be skills-based. Players will continue to develop dribbling, passing, footwork, ball security, and shooting skills. Volunteer coaches will emphasize defense, cutting, screening, lay-ups, and decision-making. This is meant to be a fun, recreational league. The hoop height is raised to 10 ft. at this level. Games will be played with in-town teams, and, depending on the number of teams we can fill, teams may have BYE weeks.

For PAYS Grades 4-6 Co-Ed Basketball, we love to celebrate at the end of the season with a shoot-out tournament, pizza, and awards.

5th and 6th graders also participate in Boston Celtics Night, where PAYS organizes a group trip to watch a Celtics game, and sometimes play on the parquet floor during half time!. We can’t do this every year because it can be cost-prohibitive when the ticket prices go up, but we will do our best to at least go every other year. Although PAYS off-sets some costs for this, the Celtics Night is an additional cost for your player and one adult chaperone if you choose to participate.

Equipment: Players will be issued a team shirt. They will need to bring their own sneakers and water bottles. If you would like to purchase a basketball for your child, we use 28.5″” basketballs.

Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches or assistant coaches! PAYS can assist with providing practice plans. A CORI check is required. Ideally, we like to have one head coach and two assistant coaches per team. Coaches and assistant coaches will receive 50% off their child’s registration. Register as a coach through the same link as player registration.

Grades 7 through 12

Girls 7 – 12
Girls 7 – 12 Recreational League registration is available through Silver Lake Youth Basketball.

Girls 7 & 8 Travel Team
Travel Team is open to grades 7 and 8. Travel Team registration is available through Halifax Girls Basketball or by contacting Ken Boudreau.

Boys 7 – 12
Boys 7 – 12 Recreational League registration is available through Silver Lake Youth Basketball.

Boys 7 & 8 Travel Team
Travel Team is open to grades 7 and 8. Travel Team registration is available through Silver Lake Youth Basketball.

PAYS Basketball Rules (Grades 2-6)

Dennett Facility Usage

**For K through 6** All Dennett school facility rules must be observed; these are posted at the gym entrance. Individuals who do not follow rules or who display poor sportsmanship may be asked to leave the gym.

Youth (players and others) are not permitted to be at Dennett unsupervised. All persons must vacate the facility at the end of scheduled games and practices.

Coaches and referees will enforce these rules and will notify the league president of ejections and other rules violations. PAYS officers may take additional actions, including involving school administrators and dismissing a player for the remainder of the season.

Playing Time

Coaches must play all players a similar amount of time per game (excepting foul-outs, ejections, or disciplinary reasons). Substitutions of all bench players shall occur no less often than every 5 play-clock minutes; this means that no player should remain on the bench for more than 5 clock minutes. Referees should stop play as early as possible, to accommodate substitutions.

  • Each game will consist of two 20 minute halves, with a running clock except for the last 2 minutes of each half.
  • Two timeouts per half per team, per game.
  • Full court press – Grades 2-6 teams may only press the last 2 minutes of each half. No pressing by a team who is up by 10 or more points. Coaches are strongly encouraged to limit ball pressure and double teams to inside the 3 point line.
  • Defense: Coaches should teach man-to-man D; zone defense is discouraged.
  • Personal fouls: Player is disqualified when charged with 5th personal foul.
  • Team fouls: bonus (1-and-1) after 7 fouls in a half, double bonus (2 shots) after 10.
  • Technical fouls: More than one infraction in a game, results in ejection from the game and suspension for the following game.


  • An initial 3 minute overtime period with clock stoppage in last minute.
  • A tied score after one overtime will result in a tied game during regular season play.
  • During playoffs only, a second 3 minute overtime will be played if needed. If the score remains tied after two OT periods, then a free throw “shootout” may occur:
  • …5 shooters from each team are chosen, one shot each.
  • …Top seed determines shooting order preference.